Results for 'César Nombela Cano'

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  1. Clonación terapéutica: ¿futuro de la Medicina Regenerativa?César Nombela Cano - 2004 - Critica 54 (915):20-25.
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    Exploring the Decision-Making Process of People Living with HIV Enrolled in Antiretroviral Clinical Trials: A Qualitative Study of Decisions Guided by Trust and Emotions.Maria Feijoo-Cid, Antonia Arreciado Marañón, Ariadna Huertas, Amado Rivero-Santana, Carina Cesar, Valeria Fink, María Isabel Fernández-Cano & Omar Sued - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (3):135-155.
    The informed consent is an ethical and legal requirement for potential participants to enroll in a study. There is ample of evidence that understanding consent information and enrollment is challenging for participants in clinical trials. On the other hand, the reasoning process behind decision-making in HIV clinical trials remains mostly unexplored. This study aims to examine the decision-making process of people living with HIV currently participating in antiretroviral clinical trials and their understanding of informed consent. We conducted a qualitative socio-constructivist (...)
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  3. The Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track: Implementation and Challenges.Justino Cesar Arban, Fernando Enad & Asuncion Pabalan - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 26 (1):6-12.
    This study delved into the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track in Bohol Province for the 2022-2023 school year, aiming to evaluate policy implementation, recognize barriers, and propose interventions. Employing a mixed-method approach, integrating quantitative-descriptive surveys and qualitative-descriptive research methods as recommended by Creswell and Plano Clark (2017), the findings unveiled a predominantly positive perception of policy implementation across various dimensions of the TVL track. These encompass curriculum development, teacher training, resource allocation, industry partnerships, assessment and evaluation, student support services, (...)
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    A new objective definition of quantum entanglement as potential coding of intensive and effective relations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - 2021 - Synthese 198 (7):6661-6688.
    In de Ronde and Massri it was argued against the orthodox definition of quantum entanglement in terms of pure and separable states. In this paper we attempt to discuss how the logos categorical approach to quantum mechanics is able to provide an objective formal account of the notion of entanglement—completely independent of both purity and separability—in terms of the potential coding of intensive relations and effective relations. We will show how our novel redefinition allows us to provide an anschaulich content (...)
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  5.  30
    Enculturation and the historical origins of number words and concepts.César Frederico dos Santos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9257-9287.
    In the literature on enculturation—the thesis according to which higher cognitive capacities result from transformations in the brain driven by culture—numerical cognition is often cited as an example. A consequence of the enculturation account for numerical cognition is that individuals cannot acquire numerical competence if a symbolic system for numbers is not available in their cultural environment. This poses a problem for the explanation of the historical origins of numerical concepts and symbols. When a numeral system had not been created (...)
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  6.  27
    The Logos Categorical Approach to Quantum Mechanics: I. Kochen-Specker Contextuality and Global Intensive Valuations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we present a new categorical approach which attempts to provide an original understanding of QM. Our logos categorical approach attempts to consider the main features of the quantum formalism as the standpoint to develop a conceptual representation that explains what the theory is really talking about —rather than as problems that need to be bypassed in order to allow a restoration of a classical “common sense” understanding of what there is. In particular, we discuss a solution to (...)
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  7. Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques and Mexico’s Rule of Law: On the Legality of the First Maternal Spindle Transfer Case.César Palacios-González - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (1):50–69.
    News about the first baby born after a mitochondrial replacement technique (MRT; specifically maternal spindle transfer) broke on September 27, 2016 and, in a matter of hours, went global. Of special interest was the fact that the mitochondrial replacement procedure happened in Mexico. One of the scientists behind this world first was quoted as having said that he and his team went to Mexico to carry out the procedure because, in Mexico, there are no rules. In this paper, we explore (...)
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  8.  71
    Are there moral differences between maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer?César Palacios-González - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (4):503-511.
    This paper examines whether there are moral differences between the mitochondrial replacement techniques that have been recently developed in order to help women afflicted by mitochondrial DNA diseases to have genetically related children absent such conditions: maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer. Firstly, it examines whether there is a moral difference between MST and PNT in terms of the divide between somatic interventions and germline interventions. Secondly, it considers whether PNT and MST are morally distinct under a therapy/creation optic. Finally, (...)
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  9.  48
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques: egg donation, genealogy and eugenics.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Monash Bioethics Review 34 (1):37-51.
    Several objections against the morality of researching or employing mitochondrial replacement techniques have been advanced recently. In this paper, I examine three of these objections and show that they are found wanting. First I examine whether mitochondrial replacement techniques, research and clinical practice, should not be carried out because of possible harms to egg donors. Next I assess whether mitochondrial replacement techniques should be banned because they could affect the study of genealogical ancestry. Finally, I examine the claim that mitochondrial (...)
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  10.  70
    Do Presente ao Passado: A Metafísica das Atribuições de Lembrança.César Schirmer dos Santos - forthcoming - Dissertatio.
    In this essay, I explore the question concerning truthmakers for attributions of memory of events, which I express with the schema “S remembers E”. To answer this question, I distinguish remembering in the descriptive sense, which is based on subjective experience, from remembering in the normative sense, which requires some correspondence with actual past events. As a method of approaching attributions of memory, I will use the method of cases. Based on this method, I address the metaphysical problem of the (...)
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  11.  29
    Dopaminergic modulation of positive expectations for goal-directed action: evidence from Parkinson’s disease.Noham Wolpe, Cristina Nombela & James B. Rowe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  12.  49
    Exploring the Link Between Human Rights, the Capability Approach and Corporate Responsibility.César González-Cantón, Sonia Boulos & Pablo Sánchez-Garrido - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):865-879.
    The capability approach is gaining momentum as a theory of corporate responsibility and business ethics at a time when the UN Guiding Principles have become a most important framework. A novel approach is now emerging that seeks to understand and specify human rights obligations of businesses within the framework provided by the capability approach. This article partially examines the triad corporate responsibility–human rights–capability approach by exploring the relationship between human rights and capabilities. Thus, it offers conceptual and practical implications for (...)
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  13.  52
    Intuitions, theory choice and the ameliorative character of logical theories.César Frederico dos Santos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12199-12223.
    Anti-exceptionalists about logic claim that logical methodology is not different from scientific methodology when it comes to theory choice. Two anti-exceptionalist accounts of theory choice in logic are abductivism and predictivism. These accounts have in common reliance on pre-theoretical logical intuitions for the assessment of candidate logical theories. In this paper, I investigate whether intuitions can provide what abductivism and predictivism want from them and conclude that they do not. As an alternative to these approaches, I propose a Carnapian view (...)
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  14.  21
    Kochen-Specker Theorem, Physical Invariance and Quantum Individuality.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we attempt to discuss what has Kochen-Specker theorem to say about physical invariance and quantum individuality. In particular, we will discuss the impossibility of making reference to objective physical properties within the orthodox formalism of quantum mechanics. Through an analysis of the meaning of physical invariance and quantum contextuality we will derive a Corollary to KS theorem that proves that a vector in Hilbert space cannot be interpreted coherently as an object possessing physical properties. As a consequence, (...)
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  15. Genetic parenthood and causation: An objection to Douglas and Devolder’s modified direct proportionate genetic descent account.César Palacios-González - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1085-1090.
    In a recent publication Tom Douglas and Katrien Devolder have proposed a new account of genetic parenthood, building on the work of Heidi Mertes. Douglas and Devolder’s account aims to solve, among other things, the question of who are the genetic parents of an individual created through somatic cell nuclear transfer (i.e. cloning): (a) the nuclear DNA provider or (b) the progenitors of the nuclear DNA provider. Such a question cannot be answered by simply appealing to the folk account of (...)
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  16.  56
    Sweet Tension and its Phenomenological Description: Sport, Intersubjectivity and Horizon.Douglas W. McLaughlin & Cesar R. Torres - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (3):270 - 284.
    In this paper, we argue that a rich phenomenological description of ?sweet tension? is an important step to understanding how and why sport is a meaningful human endeavour. We introduce the phenomenological concepts of intersubjectivity and horizon and elaborate how they inform the study and understanding of human experience. In the process, we establish that intersubjectivity is always embodied, developing and ethically committed. Likewise, we establish that our horizons are experienced from an embodied, developing and ethically committed perspective that serves (...)
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  17.  24
    Relational quantum entanglement beyond non-separable and contextual relativism.Christian de Ronde & César Massri - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):68-78.
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    La aporofobia como desafío antropológico. De la lógica de la cooperación a la lógica del reconocimiento.César Ortega Esquembre - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 77:215-224.
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  19.  28
    Autenticidade na memória experiencial: uma defesa do pictorialismo.Cesar Schirmer Dos Santos - forthcoming - Filosofia Unisinos.
    In this text, I explore the issue of the accuracy of experiential memories, focusing on the fit between the imagistic elements of an experiential memory and the experience that is remembered. My starting point is the taxonomy of memory, which clarifies what I am talking about, as I will only focus on long-term memories that involve mental imagery. Having clarified this, I will move on to a discussion of the normative requirements of memory, focusing on the requirement that a memory (...)
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  20. María del Carmen Amaro Cano." Reflexiones éticas sobre la investigación científica en biomedicina desde el prisma de la universidad médica".María del Carmen Amaro Cano - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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  21. Author's response to peer commentaries: Mexico's rule of law and MRTs.César Palacios-González & María de Jesús Medina-Arellano - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (3):623–629.
  22.  80
    ‘Yes’ to mitochondrial replacement techniques and lesbian motherhood: a reply to Françoise Baylis.César Palacios-González & Giulia Cavaliere - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (4):280-281.
    In a recent paper –Lesbian motherhood and mitochondrial replacement techniques: reproductive freedom and genetic kinship– we argued that lesbian couples who wish to have children who are genetically related to both of them should be allowed access to mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs). Françoise Baylis wrote a reply to our paper –‘No’ to lesbian motherhood using human nuclear genome transfer– where she challenges our arguments on the use of MRTs by lesbian couples, and on MRTs more generally. In this reply we (...)
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  23.  20
    El problema del nuevo testimonio en Chile. Relatos de víctimas de tortura y abuso sexual.César Carbullanca Núñez - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 25:9-36.
    El artículo estudia la emergencia de testimonios de torturados durante la dictadura militar y posteriormente de testimonios de víctimas de abusos sexuales y de conciencia por parte de sacerdotes chilenos, postulando que estamos frente un nuevo tipo de testimonio que emerge de situaciones de violencia. La pesquisa realiza un análisis semiótico de estos relatos estudiando axiomas que caracterizan este tipo de texto sosteniendo que estos textos poseen una relevancia epistémica y teológica esencial para la superación de la crisis eclesial.
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  24.  57
    The ethics of killing human/great-ape chimeras for their organs: a reply to Shaw et al.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):215-225.
    The aim of this paper is to critically examine David Shaw, Wybo Dondorp, and Guido de Wert’s arguments in favour of the procurement of human organs from human/nonhuman-primate chimeras, specifically from great-ape/human chimeras. My main claim is that their arguments fail and are in need of substantial revision. To prove this I first introduce the topic, and then reconstruct Shaw et al.’s position and arguments. Next, I show that Shaw et al.: (1) failed to properly apply the subsidiarity and proportionality (...)
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  25.  43
    Ethical aspects of creating human–nonhuman chimeras capable of human gamete production and human pregnancy.César Palacios-González - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (2-3):181-202.
    In this paper I explore some of the moral issues that could emerge from the creation of human–nonhuman chimeras capable of human gamete production and human pregnancy. First I explore whether there is a cogent argument against the creation of HNH-chimeras that could produce human gametes. I conclude that so far there is none, and that in fact there is at least one good moral reason for producing such types of creatures. Afterwards I explore some of the moral problems that (...)
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  26. Episodic Memory, the Cotemporality Problem, and Common Sense.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (2):253-273.
    Direct realists about episodic memory claim that a rememberer has direct contact with a past event. However, how is it possible to be acquainted with an event that ceased to exist? That is the so-called cotemporality problem. The standard solution, proposed by Sven Bernecker, is to distinguish between the occurrence of an event and the existence of an event: an event ceases to occur without ceasing to exist. That is the eternalist solution for the cotemporality problem. Nevertheless, some philosophers of (...)
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  27.  21
    Apocalyptic theodicy. Contributions for a sociodicea.César O. Carbullanca N. - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48:195-223.
    Resumen A partir de la formulación weberiana de teodicea, esta pesquisa sostendrá la centralidad de la cuestión de la teodicea para la religión. No obstante, la definición weberiana de teodicea presenta problemas para su aplicación a textos de la antigüedad, pues, a juicio de Sarot, la teodicea sería un fenómeno moderno que marcaría una nueva manera de pensar sobre el mal. A partir de lo cual, el artículo pasa revista a diversas teodiceas mostrando la variedad de respuestas, colocando en evidencia (...)
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    Un ámbito sin límite ni salvedad. La fenomenología como ciencia abierta y la recepción en Heidegger y Marion del "Principio de todos los principios".César Moreno-Marquez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:239.
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  29.  13
    É a metafísica uma ciência a priori ou a posteriori? Suárez e a fundamentação da metafísica.César Ribas Cezar - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (74):987-1016.
    É a metafísica uma ciência a priori ou a posteriori’? Suárez e a fundamentação da metafísica Resumo: Contra a interpretação de François Courtine, Rolf Darge afirma que para Francisco Suárez a metafísica é uma ciência que trata do ente entendido não como aquilo que pode ser objeto para a mente humana, mas como aquilo que é apto a existir de fato. A metafísica seria uma ciência real, entre outras razões, porque ela é uma ciência a posteriori. Este artigo pretende verificar (...)
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  30.  85
    The Relation Between Memory and Imagination: A Debate about the Right Concepts.Cesar Schirmer Dos Santos, Christopher Jude McCarroll & Andre Sant'Anna - 2022 - In Andre Sant'Anna, Christopher McCarroll & Kourken Michaelian, Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory. Current Controversies in Philosophy. pp. 38-56.
  31.  82
    Ethics of Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques: A Habermasian Perspective.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):27-36.
    Jürgen Habermas is regarded as a central bioconservative commentator in the debate on the ethics of human prenatal genetic manipulations. While his main work on this topic, The Future of Human Nature, has been widely examined in regard to his position on prenatal genetic enhancement, his arguments regarding prenatal genetic therapeutic interventions have for the most part been overlooked. In this work I do two things. First, I present the three necessary conditions that Habermas establishes for a prenatal genetic manipulation (...)
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  32. Chimeras intended for human gamete production: an ethical alternative?César Palacios-González - 2017 - Reproductive Biomedicine Online 35 (4):387-390.
    Human eggs for basic, fertility and stem-cell research are in short supply. Many experiments that require their use cannot be carried out at present, and, therefore, the benefits that could emerge from these are either delayed or never materialise. This state of affairs is problematic for scientists and patients worldwide, and it is a matter that needs our attention. Recent advances in chimera research have opened the possibility of creating human/non-human animal chimeras intended for human gamete production (chimeras-IHGP). In this (...)
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    El diálogo filosófico como aventura y experiencia que cura.Andrés Escobar Vásquez & César Augusto Ramírez Giraldo - 2020 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 29:261-285.
    El problema que se pretende resolver en este texto es el aporte del diálogo filosófico como unaaventura y experiencia que cura. El texto se justifica toda vez que ante una experiencia filosófica enla que las preguntas fundamentales parecen ser la fuente del quehacer filosófico, aparece el diálogocomo una excelente oportunidad de transformar la existencia y curar los males que aquejan alhombre postmoderno. El objetivo del texto se enmarca en la experiencia vital del filósofo quese ha dedicado toda su vida a (...)
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    La tesis de la postsecularización a la luz de la trayectoria intelectual de Jürgen Habermas.César Ortega-Esquembre & Marina García-Granero - 2019 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 46:73-97.
    El presente trabajo reconstruye argumentativamente el sentido de la idea de una ciudadanía postsecular desde la perspectiva de Jürgen Habermas, a la luz de su trayectoria y producción bibliográfica. En primer lugar, ofrecemos una periodización de su trayectoria intelectual de acuerdo con la atención prestada y la consideración que juega la cuestión religiosa en cada una de las fases. Sobre la base de esta periodización y visión de conjunto, nos es posible apresar el sentido intrateórico del concepto normativo de postsecularización, (...)
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  35.  26
    Revisiting the First Postulate of Quantum Mechanics: Invariance and Physically Reality.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we derive a theorem which proves that the physical interpretation implied by the first postulate of quantum mechanics is inconsistent with the orthodox formalism. In order to expose this inconsistency we will analyze how the concept of ‘physical system’ is built within classical theories through the notion of invariance and explain in what sense a vector in Hilbert space is not capable of fulfilling these same mathematical conditions. Through an analysis of the mathematical formalism we derive a (...)
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  36. Fisicalismo e o problema mente-cérebro: uma questão de definição.Julio César Martins Mazzoni - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):146-170.
    O Fisicalismo tem sido a posição filosófica monista mais aceita no mainstream do debate contemporâneo sobre a natureza do mental. Mas o que significa dizer que tudo o que existe é “físico”? O presente trabalho busca responder à pergunta: Como as teses fisicalistas contemporâneas têm definido o termo ‘físico’ em suas proposições? Para respondê-la foi realizada uma investigação teórico-filosófica baseada em revisão bibliográfica e análise lógica e conceitual. Quatro categorias gerais de definição do termo ‘físico’ foram identificadas numa revisão da (...)
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  37. As origens do expressivismo e o ponto de Geach.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2018 - Dissertatio 47 (S6):3-26.
    O expressivismo sobre autoatribuição de estados mentais tem respostas aos desafios semânticos que costumam ser aglomerados de “o ponto de Geach”? Nossa proposta, nesse artigo, é empregar o princípio de caridade interpretativa para apresentar o expressivismo como uma posição maximamente plausível. A partir dessa postura, esperamos dar evidências suficientes de que o expressivismo tem uma explicação plausível para o acesso que cada um tem aos seus próprios estados mentais conscientes presentes.
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    Algumas Contribuições de Tulving.Cesar Schirmer Dos Santos - 2022 - In Róbson Ramos dos Reis, Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues & Cesar Schirmer Dos Santos, Memórias e Tecnologias. Rio de Janeiro: Via Verita.
  39.  31
    La metafísica platónica en los fundamentos del dualismo religioso. Una exégesis valentiniana del “prólogo” de San Juan.Claudio César Calabrese - 2019 - Escritos 27 (58):70-94.
    The purpose of the article is to show that the foundations of a dualistic theology of Christian roots are found in the point of connection between platonic metaphysics, gnostic myths and exegesis. It highlights the way in which platonic metaphysics was developed in a completely different way than what is known as “Metaphysics of Exodus”. It considers that myth ─as an expressive vehicle of religious experience and having a polyvalent logic─ was a decisive element for the transmission of gnostic tradition. (...)
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    Nachweise aus Friedrich Ueberweg, Untersuchungen über die Echtheit und Zeitfolge Platonischer Schriften und über die Hauptmomente aus Plato's Leben (1861).César Guarde-Paz - 2013 - Nietzsche Studien 42 (1).
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    Para um socratismo exemplar: Euclides de Mégara e a filosofia do Bem.Cesar Augusto Mathias de Alencar - 2019 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (1):15.
    Pretendemos neste artigo apresentar uma aproximação crítica com relação à filosofia desenvolvida pelos chamados megáricos, em face sobretudo da figura de Euclides de Mégara como representante e líder dessa linhagem de pensamento. O enfoque será feito tendo em vista o tipo de filosofia exposta e praticada por Euclides, a partir das acusações que contra ela se fizeram denunciando-a como pura erística, ou seja, a disputa e o debate entre discursos com o único objetivo de obter vitória na argumentação. O que (...)
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  42. O debate causalismo versus simulacionismo em filosofia da memória como negociação metalinguística.César Schirmer Dos Santos - 2019 - Perspectiva Filosófica 46 (2):143-188.
    Às vezes, o debate entre causalistas e simulacionistas em filosofia da memória é apresentado de tal modo que parece que apenas o simulacionismo é compatível com a psicologia da memória contemporânea. Contudo, ambas teorias são compatíveis com os fatos descobertos pela ciência. Mas se o debate não é sobre a adequação aos fatos, sobre o que é? Nós propomos que este debate é um caso de negociação metalinguística. Caulistas e simulacionistas aceitam o mesmo conjunto de fatos, mas disputam sobre como (...)
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    A processual account of progress: On Rahel Jaeggi's Fortschritt und Regression.César Ortega-Esquembre - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):993-999.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  44. The characterization of the sphere of temperance in EN III.10.Bernardo César Diniz Athayde Vasconcelos - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 24:207-227.
    Our article deals with Aristotle’s account of the sphere of temperance in the Nicomachean Ethics. The goal is to provide a detailed analysis of NE III.10 in order to identify the difficulties this chapter presents us with and to introduce and discuss the interpretations set forth by the secondary literature. Of special interest to us are Aristotle’s intense dialogue with Plato; the difficulty in understanding touch as the most common of the senses and Aristotle’s severe judgment of the pleasures of (...)
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    A processual account of progress: On Rahel Jaeggi's Fortschritt und Regression.César Ortega-Esquembre - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):993-999.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  46. Mexico and mitochondrial replacement techniques: what a mess.César Palacios-González - 2018 - British Medical Bulletin 128.
    Abstract Background The first live birth following the use of a new reproductive technique, maternal spindle transfer (MST), which is a mitochondrial replacement technique (MRT), was accomplished by dividing the execution of the MST procedure between two countries, the USA and Mexico. This was done in order to avoid US legal restrictions on this technique. -/- Sources of data Academic articles, news articles, documents obtained through freedom of information requests, laws, regulations and national reports. -/- Areas of agreement MRTs are (...)
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  47. Qual a motivação para se defender uma teoria causal da memória?César Schirmer Dos Santos - 2018 - In Juliano Santos do Carmo & Rogério F. Saucedo Corrêa, Linguagem e cognição. NEPFil. pp. 63-89.
    Este texto tem como objetivo apresentar a principal motivação filosófica para se defender uma teoria causal da memória, que é explicar como pode um evento que se deu no passado estar relacionado a uma experiência mnêmica que se dá no presente. Para tanto, iniciaremos apresentando a noção de memória de maneira informal e geral, para depois apresentar elementos mais detalhados. Finalizamos apresentando uma teoria causal da memória que se beneficia da noção de veritação (truthmaking).
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  48.  22
    Against Collapses, Purity and Separability Within the Definition of Quantum Entanglement.Christian de Ronde & Massri Cesar - unknown
    In this paper we we will argue against the orthodox definition of quantum entanglement which has been implicitly grounded on several widespread presuppositions which have no relation whatsoever to the formalism of QM. We will show how these presuppositions have been introduced through a naive interpretation of the quantum mathematical structure which assumes dogmatically that the theory talks about "small particles" represented by pure states which suddenly "collapse" when a measurement takes place. In the second part of this paper we (...)
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  49.  20
    The Logos Categorical Approach to Quantum Mechanics: III. Relational Potential Coding and Quantum Entanglement Beyond Collapses, Pure States and Particle Metaphysics.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we consider the notion of quantum entanglement from the perspective of the logos categorical approach [26, 27]. Firstly, we will argue that the widespread distinctions, on the one hand, between pure states and mixed states, and on the other, between separable states and entangled states, are completely superfluous when considering the orthodox mathematical formalism of QM. We will then argue that the introduction of these distinctions within the theory of quanta is due to another two completely unjustified (...)
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  50.  25
    Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness: Relation and Enhancement in the Classroom With Adolescents.César Rodríguez-Ledo, Santos Orejudo, Maria Jesús Cardoso, Álvaro Balaguer & Javier Zarza-Alzugaray - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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